. BitterSweetLurveLife: Uols suka layan citer apa ek?

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I wrote my thoughts here and share to all of you the pain and joy of bitter-sweet life. Life is sweet,Lurve is Bitter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Uols suka layan citer apa ek?

Halluu uols!.. ring..ding..dong.. Uols dah lunch ke belum? Dah lunch time dah ni weii..for those keje arini, aku wish uols "Happy Working"..uols jgn stress2 ek..esok x keje..kl keje pun juz half-day jew kan? Then, bleh la dok lepak2 dgn member2..or balik umah merehatkan diri, mcm yg aku dok buat rite now..rehat2 sambil melayan kerenah adik2ku dan juga melayan channel TV kegemaranku..which is 701 AXN. Agak lama gak aku tak melayan channel ni..al-maklumlah,if d umah bujang aku...aku hanya setia bersama broadbandku.. kesian x kesian aku n housemateku? Huhuhu.. Usually if aku balik kpg, for sure selain online..aku mmg tak missed nak layan channel ni and my faveret...ialah CSI movie series! Aku suka cara dorg solve problem and buat investigation in that movie hinggakan aku bleh berangan jd one of the character.Hehe..itulah yg dinamakan kekhusyukkan..alrite uols..see uols later on..k. Nak layan movie lu!

mase kecik2...berangan nak jadi forensic..hehe,angan2 tak kesampaian..


Azlan Strider said...

fuh..best gak layan CSI nie..tapi yang paling macho of course CSI Miami..hehehetp diantara CSI citer yg aku tgk ialah;-
- How I Meet You Mother
-Lie To Me
-Criminal Minds
-Glee(tp season 2 banyak tinggal)

tu diantara fav aku..hehehe..

AmirFX said...

Wahhh.. David Carusso.. haha.. Cermin mata itamnya sik pernah lepas walaupun lam tempat gelap...


hehe..mek pun suka gila.... bis sume episode di donlod... :P

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