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Birthday gift! |
Happy Tuesday uols..hopefully today is a great and wonderful day for us! Pepagi ni nak buat entry pasal birthday. My "tuuttt" birthday is coming soon. Tinggal beberapa hari je lagi. Agaknya for this "tuuutt" birthday apa present yg aku dpt ek? Will I get any birthday gift..or langsung takde. Last year, some of my students yg ingat my birthday ada bg aku hadiah. Even though it's just a pen..aku tetap appreciate it. Some of them gave me photo frame..utk aku letak pictures. Since aku ni kurang kreatif sgt nak menghias...until now those photo frames still tersimpan rapi.
Harapan aku for this coming birthday, semoga apa yg aku nanti dan doakan selama ini akan menjadi kenyataan. I've been quite sad for the past two years. Too many personal and relationship problems. Hopefully, birthday kali ni adalah birthday yg happy utk aku. Dan, semoga impian aku dan encik tunang dipermudahkan Allah.
Teringat zaman study masa di universiti 9 tahun lepas. That was my first time ever..celebrated my birthday, which was organized by my best roommate. Ada birthday cake, presents and small parties among my roomates and a few coursemate yg rapat dgn aku. How I missed those days. Now..masing2 dgn haluan sendiri. Thanks a lot buddies!
wahhh...tak sangka. My "tuuutt" birthday is juz around the corner! Agak2 uols..ni birthday yg ke berapa ek? Sape bijak...silakan teka. (^_^)
Mengekot kalendar PC kmk tok madah besday ktk ke 23 tahun? Betul?
hehhe.. sik kira umur lah.. malas nak teka yang penting.. ktk sentiasa kacak ;)
Happy besday cikgu ;-)Ktk ngajar di sekolah ney kah?
happy becoming brfday.....=]
wahhh happy birthday in advance hehe
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