. BitterSweetLurveLife: Having a good time

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I wrote my thoughts here and share to all of you the pain and joy of bitter-sweet life. Life is sweet,Lurve is Bitter.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Having a good time

Happy Malaysia Day...

Seronok sangattt..coz esok Public Holiday! At least for a moment..dapat la escape sekejap dari routine weekdays yg agak sibuk, memeningkan kepala, menyakitkan hati dan mengundang kepada wujudnya 'stress' dlm diri ini. Bukan saja aku, malah semua orang pasti ada 'stress' yg tersendiri. Bukankah kita ni makhluk Tuhan paling seksi yang punya naluri dan isi hati??..
Apapun, weekend and this public holiday really benefits for those who want to relax and chill for a while. As for me...i feel good if i spent my precious time with those people that i love. So, people..have a good time ya!
seronokkkkk sgtttt!

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