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"Blackberry oh Blackberry" |
Hi uols..last wordless wednesday aku tempek pic yg sama gak.. Hehehe..actually, it's not my new handphone la uols..it's just part of my wishlist for 2012.. Lama dah plan nak get one of blackberry model tp hasrat hati msh lagi tertangguh..plus, my current handphone is still in good condition. So..rasa sayang la pulak nak tukar ke new hp sedangkan yg sedia ada msh bleh digunakan. Tak baik tau..membazir..betul tak uols?
Well..kalau nak story ttg blackberry if compared to other phones..frankly, aku juz noticed about it features yg agk 'smart'. For blackberry user, the best part is uols bleh BBM..as a result, for those yg guna prepaid..bleh la jimat kredit if sending message...am i rite? Yg guna postpaid..of courselh lebih jimat unless uols ni jenis 'kaki gayut' & 'surfing' internet.
Yess, blackberry pun ada features for internet application tapi it might be limited..which is application tu tak la mcm uols bleh surfing internet on a big screen such as on ur lappy.. Correct me if i am wrong ok. So far, part yg tu je yg aku tau pun ttg blackberry coz my fiance is one of the blackberrians..(^_^). Hopefully, 2012 nnt bleh dpt blackberry phone..pastu bleh la BBM dgn my lovely fiance!
So, for blackberrians tlg suggestkan kat aku which model yg bagus? BB Bold? BB Torch? BB Storm? BB Pearl? Hmmm..tak tau nak pick which model la pulakkk...
nak guna hp berkeypad balik coz susah nak hantar/reply message bila driving..
(**tapi, Iphone 4S tu..menggoda jugak eh!)